Shalom and cordially welcomely! This page is addressed primarily to Christians, because it has the New Testament as the basis of all talking about Israel. The New Testament holds to Israels eternal choosing and appointment by God. It encourages us Christians to bless Israel and not be proud over it (Romans 11). As Christians we have our roots in the Jewish people and we have according to the Biblical witness part of the blesssings and promises of God to Israel. Beside the world mission and the building of churches it belongs also to our appointment to support the people Israel in its appointment (Jesaja 49,22: " in such a way the Lord speaks: See, I my hand to the heaths will raise. And they will carry your sons, (people Israel) on their arms and bring them (to the country Israel"). God says: Who blesses Israel, will be! In history people, who called themselves " Christians", persecuted Jews pityless. This debt of our fathers we admit and ask for it for assigning. God however brings His kingdom (malchut haschamayim) to the completion.