The church and the Jewish people in history
(translated by computer)
There is the following Jewish joke: A Rabbi says to God: Assistance,
my son became Christian, which I am to only do? God answers: Mach you nothing
draus, my son became also Christian. Rabbi: And which you have done? God:
I wrote a new will.
This Jewish joke is a joke, but it saves much NOT: If a Jew assumes
the faith in Jesus, then he will offend frequently from his family. There
is even the tradition that the family sets up a coffin in its house, because
this son or daughter for her is dead. Becomes criminally, homosexual the
son or Buddhist is long badly as if he the faith in Jesus does not assume
not as. In Israel it violently discussed whether pupils and soldiers churches
and monasteries to visit to be supposed or not. In mathematics instruction
is taught to the children, the plus sign differently to write (without
engl. " pedestal"), since it reminds of the Christian cross. Before 10
years the Israeli government published a decree, which forbade, treating
the new will in historical instruction. Years are indicated in Israel as
" before the time calculation " and " after the time calculation " (e.g.
2000 n.d.Z.), in order to go around the name " Christ ".
What had occurred that most pursuits received the Jewish people by the
Christians, who owed the Jew nevertheless their origin? Which is described
in the following, one some shocks - there is things, which we often do
not know Christian, because they became turned " under the carpet " usually,
who very probably admits however the Jew is.
The Christianity has its roots in the Judentum [ foil urchr ]. It solve
itself however in the first centuries strongly from this root, so strongly
that it became even anti-Semitic. Reasons and stations were:
After with the temple destruction and driving the Jews out into all world
the mental center of the Judentums was extinguished, the Pharisaeer became
the only legitimate guard of the Judentums. The Jewish faith had to be
defended now very strongly against all other faith ways. In addition the
disappointment came that the Jew Christians did not follow the nationalistic
rebellions of 70 n.Chr. and the bar Kochba rebellion of 135 n.Chr.. In
the year 90.n.Chr into the daily synagog Liturgie (eighteen-request prayer)
a formula was inserted against the so-called " Minim ", under which
also the Jew Christians were. Thus the Jew Christians were excluded from
the synagog.
Ever more heaths came to the faith in Jesus and became soon the majority
in the recent church. When 135 the emperor Hadrian forbade to the Jew and
Jew Christian the admission after Jerusalem, those changed for conductor
director/conductor of the Jerusalemer municipality from the past Jew Christians
to the heath Christians The Jew Christians lost ever more the line
function, and heath-Christian centers such as Alexandrien, Antiochien and
Rome took over the line of the church. Symbolically one can express as
struggle for power between Jerusalem and Rome. Rome took the direct follow-up
of the Aposteln and the line function up for itself.
The Bible was seen by the strong increase from the Greek and Roman world
ever more by a Greek consciousness (English " mindset") and ever fewer
by a Hebrew. This caused some erring teachings, which are effective in
the church partly today still (an example: The Zoelibat in the church comes
from the body-hostile Griechentum, Biblically against it is it a gift of
God to some few and not to a profession)
The Judentum had an attraction Christian went into synagogs around
advice getting (e.g. with diseases) and assumed partly Jewish customs.
The Judentum was also many more missionary aligned in the first centuries
n.Chr. as thereafter, than it withdrew itself more to the Talmud. It was
often seen of therefore it of the church as serious competition.
The printing strengthened, when the Roman realm proceeded more strongly
against the Judentum: The Roman emperor Hadrian, who struck down the bar
Kochba rebellion and whom drove Jews out from Jerusalem, forbade the practice
of the Jewish religion such as cutting, Tora reading and Sabbat sanctifying
in the entire Roman realm. The not-Jewish Christians would have taken incommodities
on the part of the state on itself, would have kept them further to the
Judentum and to their Jewish faith brothers and sisters. This was in the
national socialism exactly the same, and it can occur us today at any time
The observance Jewish Tora by the Jew Christians was beargwoehnt by the
heath Christians and the Jew Christians were excluded ever more from the
Ecclesia (with crown) and
Synagoga (with bind before the eyes) at the Strassburger cathedral. The
two do not have to do anything together! |
In 2. Century came sucked. Enterbungstheologie (replacement theology)
up: Tertullian (160-230) wrote in " against the Jews " that God
rejected the Jews in favor of the Christians. In the early 4th Jh. Eusebius
wrote that the benediction promises of
the Hebrew writings for the Christians would be, and not for the Jews.
The Jews alone the curses would remain The church is the continuation
of the old person of will and the Judentums. Thus the Jewish people religiously
" enterbt ", it was rejected explained due to the Kreuzigung Jesu ("God
murder") as on eternal God, and regarded the church as an heiress of the
promises at Israel, who came now to the place of Israel. The church explained
itself now as " new Israel ". The church fathers tore themselves the internal-Jewish
criticism, which already is with the Propheten as admonishment and call
to God, actually and against Israel directed from the outside. They have
this still rotated to final its Israel (which with the Biblical certification
does not cover itself). They left the court to
Israel and pervertiert to a final, the promises however the church incorporated
The benediction promises at Israel were similarly interpreted
and transferred to the church. The curse promises at Israel were literally
interpreted and left Israel. Which schizophrenia! [ foil Strasbourg ]
For the later church Antisemitismus the opinion of the church fathers was
very important that the Jewish people is by the Kreuzigung Jesu under
God punishment - for which the destruction of the temple and the scatter
of the Jews are in the year 70 a clear character. Today, where there is
the state Israel again, new arguments are found: the Jewish people prevents
the peace in the Near East, it suppresses the Palestinians, etc. etc..
- always it remains the scapegoat! [ foil debt ]
When 321 the Christianity became the state religion of the Roman realm,
began their ruler to transfer the anti-Semitic remarks of the church fathers
into the practice. The rights of the Jews were gradually cut. Higher positions
were refused to them. Already before, in the council to Elvira (Spain,
305) it had been decided that Christians with Jews not to eat to be allowed
and the Jewish Sabbat to hold not be allowed (on Sabbat stops for Christians
with the council by Laodicaea 364 the death penalty was then set). After
321 the character of the writings of the church fathers changed: they were
no longer defensive and apologetisch, but aggressively.
With Council of Nicaea 325 Jew-Christian bishops were not allowed
to participate for the first time. Easter put by the Jewish pass ah date
on Sunday after Passah " it would be improper except each yardstick,
if we followed in holiest all celebrations the habits of the Jews. Let
us nothing together have with the horrible people. "
Bishop Ambrosius von Milan wrote in the elften letter at Theodosius: "
I explain that I put fires to the synagog - at least is it like that that
those, which did that did it on my instruction. This occurred, so that
there would be no more place, where Christ is rejected... Better said,
the synagog destroyed by the judgement of God." (zit. in J. Parkes, The
Conflict OF the Church and the synagog, P. 166-167 + Dixon 80)
Emperor Theodosius II. condemned the Judaismus and placed in its " Kodex
" legally the Jews outside of the human
Augustinus (354-430), one of the most important church fathers, took
a zwiespaeltige attitude. Although it agreed Paulus the
fact that one was to love the Jews, he asked nevertheless, why this
still as a people existed, and came themselves to the
following result: God lets the Jews exist as certification for the
curse, which comes on all those, which reject the Mr. Jesus. " let
it among us live, but let it suffer and be steadily degraded " writes
it in its " treatise against the Jews ".
Chrysostomos (344-407), a large holy of the church, preached about
the Jews, it is " common spoiling and the illness of the
whole earth ", it is " humans by the devil is possessed... Yes, they
are savage as the wild animals, there them their descendants
kill and the devil weihen." About the synagog it preached: " you is
like the soul of the Jews themselves a domicile of the devil...,
Jews pray the devil... their religion is an illness on... For you there
is no more improvement, God hates you!".
In the sieved century in different States of (Byzanz, France, Spain)
the obligation baptism of all Jews were arranged - also
Jewish children were baptized and taken away from their parents, because
it was forbidden to Jews from law educating
Christian children.
In the year 1095 Pope called Urban II. to the first crusade. The "
Christian " cross drivers mordeten on the way under the
Jewish communities in France and in the Rhine country: The Jews had
to select between the immediate baptism or death. More
than 12000 was murdered, countless other committed suicide. 1099 were
conquered Jerusalem, ten thousands of Jews and
Muslims were killed. All survivors Jews were into synagogs. The Christian
fighters, who had sewn large crosses on their
Kmleidung, ignited these synagogs then. They let the Jews burn alive,
while they ran around and sang the buildings: " pray on
Christ, we you ". The cross drivers under joy tears regarded a thank
service subsequently, as their victory. These occurences
make understandable that the symbol of the cross is negatively loaded
in the Judentum.
A resolution of the fourth Laterankonzils of the Roman church of 1215
marked the Jews to an outsider people, by forcing it to
differ by a special type clothes from the remaining population to.
In Germany and France the Jews a yellow " O " had to carry -
forerunners of the yellow Jew asterisk in the national socialism. [
foil G-3 ]
In the Middle Ages different slandering were invented against the Jews
and brought in circulation. Well poisoning, communion
wafer violating, ritual murder and the debt for the plague 1348 were
pushed over to them. This gave cause for the extermination
of numerous Jewish municipalities. Anywhere the Jews were not however
as cruelly exterminated as in the holy Roman realm of
German nation.
German and French Jew. Due to the church resolution Jews had to carry
a registration number.
Because of again and again the occurring false reproach of the ritual
murder Jews - here those the city Cologne - were burned
with alive body. Woodcut from that 15. Jh. (photo picture file Prussian
culture possession)
The Jews were driven out 1290 from England, 1394 from France, 1492
from Spain. In the German countries followed after the
massacres 13. and 14. Century in 15. Century an endless series of driving
out. Around 1500 most catholic kingdoms
possessed no more Jews. The papal possessions formed herein exceptions,
therefore Rome possesses the only larger
European Jew municipality, which can pursue their history without interruption
from the antiquity to the modern trend! Despite
similar theological reproaches there were few examples of anti-Jewish
acts of violence within the area of the orthodoxen church
The Popes operated generally politics, those the Jews isolated and
kept dependent by the Jew character, the Ghetto and
Bekehrungspredigten. Obligation baptism and superstitious slandering
of the ritual murder and the communion wafer violating
fought them however. These things went out rather with the local religiousness.
The church line could not stop however no
more, which had along-caused it by their anti-Jewish theology!
Spain was the last Christian country, besides in which still Jews in
considerable number (approx. 200,000) and in certain
prosperity lived.
This peace stopped however immediately after termination of the Arab
rule (1391). Still in equal year Ferdinand Martinez,
deputy of the bishop von Sevilla stirred up, the people to the Jew
agitation on 50,000 Jews had their life to leave,
hundredthousands was baptized. 1492 were ordered by national page driving
out. By 31 July all Jews had received either the
baptism too or the exile to select. Most (approx. 100,000) went to
Portugal. But their luck lasted briefly, funf years later under
Spanish printing all Portuguese Jews was obligation-baptized, whereby
scenes of cruel force took place. Baptized Jews, "
marranos " (pigs) mentioned (still today in Spain Jews, who believe
in Jesus, are called thus, thus " marranos ", " pigs "!) -
baptized Jews had to testify their Christian faith by the meal of schweinefleisch.
If they assumed again Jewish customs, they
were submitted the Inquisition (questioning under torture), where they
had to admit their offenses and designate other guilty
persons. [ foil G-3 and G-4 ]
Quotation of some typical confessions, which a baptised jewish person
had to say:
" hereby I against-say to each rite and observation of the Jewish religion,
by despising all its ceremonies, which I held in former
times. I will not keep any habit of my earlier erring in the future
of these rites or celebrations, still... I promise to return never
again to the vomit of the Jewish but faith. I will avoid all handling
other Jews and will have mine friend set only among
We will not have anything do with the Jews whom are under a curse,
who remain ungetauft... We will practice no cutting at the
meat, still the pass ah celebration or the Sabbat or any other celebration
will celebrate, which have to do with the Jewish
religion... Which concerns schweinefleisch promises the rule to keep
that we, if we are hardly able by long habit to eat it not
because we are discriminating or by a mistake the things to eat refuse,
which are cooked with the same... And if one finds us
thereby, any of these rules, which we now mentioned, to break... then
is that, which is found during this infringement, either as
the base goes through the hand one of our comrades, by being burned
or gesteinigt, or [ if our life is to remain preserved ], we
are our liberty will lose and you us with our property whom also always
transferred into the eternal slavery.
I against-say the Hebraeer, cutting, ungesaeuertem bread, all Hebrew
celebrations, their victims, prayers to the entire service
(English worship)... Meals. And I against-say absolutely to each custom
and mechanism of the Jewish law... in other words, I
against-say absolutely to all Jewish one.
I verfluche the Oberrabiner and all new bad doctors of the Jews...
and I believe and admit the gesegnete holy virgin Maria, him
bore after the meat, and who a virgin remained that she is real and
actually the nut/mother of God, and I honours and admires
her truly as the nut/mother of the God come into the meat, and as the
lady and lady of all creation.
If I deviate from the even way in any way the holy faith soil, and
tries, to hold any rites of the Jewish sparkling wines or
otherwise somehow what I now swore, break... in such a way are all
curses of the law on me to fall... If my children may fall all
troubles on me and on my house and everything, which afflicted Egypt,
and to frightening other one likes me additionally the fate
of Dathan and Abiram to meet, so that the earth swallows me alive,
and after I left this life, I will be transferred to the eternal
fire, in the community with the devil and its angels; and if I will
arrive before the court of the terrible and wonderful judge, our
Mr. Jesus Christ, like I among the community of those am ranked, which
the wonderful and terrible judge will say: " away its
evil author goes, into the eternal fire from me.
(1) Jost Müller-Bohn: Adolf Hitler, Verführer
der Christenheit, Lahr-Dinglingen 1988, S. 155.
(2) G. Jordy, Die Brüderbewegung in Deutschland,
Bd. 3, Wuppertal 1986, S. 69ff.; zit. in Fritz May: Israel zwischen Blut
und Tränen. Asslar 1987, S.102.
(3) zit. in Fritz May, a.a.O. S. 61; 94-95.
(4) aus: Werner Keller, und wurden zerstreut unter
die Völker, München; Zürich 1966, S. 343-147
(5) vgl. Michael Pragai, Sie sollen wieder wohnen in
ihrem Land, Gerlingen 1990, S.102
(6) James Parkes, The Conflict of the Church and the
Synagoge, S.394-399 zit. in Brown Our Hands S.95
verfasst im Oktober 1999 von Andreas Hornung, überarbeitet 29.07.00
© Israel segnen, E-Mail: info@israel-segnen.de